Epistemología a la carta
Epistemología a la carta
The Neurotronics Lab S206 is an interdisciplinary experimental laboratory at ITBA. Here are some of the devices we have available for all students:
Epistemología a la carta
P300-Based BCI Speller based on the SIFT Method
A Robotic Vest to aid in Post-Stroke Dynamic Human Balance Rehabilitation
Use Gambini algorithm to create an alignment algorithm for EEG segments
Vision System for SAE International Simulator
Phantom head for Electrophysiology
Decoding of metacognition information
Mobile Robotic Platform to carry the Oxygen Tank
ErrP ERP Detection based on Reinforcement Learning
Signal Detection based on Scale Space Theory
KComplex and Slow Wave Localization and Detection for EEG Sleep Research
Redesign of a platform based on OpenBCI
Very old simulation platform
Liveness Detection
Robotic Platform for Gerontology
Confocal Microscopy Image Sequence Analysis
BCI RSVP paradigm into OpenVibe
Use GANs to generate artificial faces that can be used for memory research
Robotic platform to study young toddlers behaviour
Use modelling to determine if a video is a fake or not
Yet Another DIY basic 6-DOF Manipulator